Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Soup Challenge. JOIN UP.

The Soup Challenge, A deal not to be missed.

We are launching our first healthy eating challenge and offering you the chance to sign up. We are inviting a small group of you to take us up on this amazing offer, £20 for 20 lunches.

Our soups are nearly all gluten free/ dairy free and under 200 calories. 3/5 vegetable a day in 1 go. They are tasty, delicious and we have choice of at least 4 to choose from everyday.

How to do it ? Ditch your regular lunch, for 4 weeks 5 days a week and have our SOUP instead. Its so simple, we even make all the soups for you and just charge you £1 for each one.

How will I get my soup?You can come in and get them everyday, or just collect them 1 day a week and keep them in the fridge or collect them for the whole month & freeze them. If you are on our delivery route already we can even deliver. So how does that sound......

Why such a good offer? We are new in town and are all about healthy eating & helping our customers make the right choices.We want to give you healthy food for an unbeatable price, to get you healthy. Its that simple....

How will I know if its worked? We ask you to come and meet us for your first order & last order for the weigh in,the results will speak for themselves....

How do I sign up. Just tweet, facebook, or email us at www.the-healthbox.com. We will get you signed up, meet up and start enjoying soup !!!

What is the challenge part of it? The person who looses the most weight from this will receive another month of free soups worth over £45

Who we are & what is it that we do

We are residing in one of the unhealthiest parts of western Europe. We can not for one moment dodge the wild accusations of the media that we are a nation of smoking, binge drinking, fast food eating slobs, apparently. You just have to goggle unhealthy Britain for hundreds of pages of facts about what we are doing to ourselves & what our future holds http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21667065

I set about opening up a Health Food shop in Newcastle city centre with a big difference, healthy food, fast. I wanted a multitude of natural colours to overwhelm you with every portion of Soup,Salad & Smoothie being served up. I was inspired by the likes of the Jamie Oliver food revolution but shocked to see the levels of low education on real food, on cooking, on the ingredients....and their provenance.

Here I wanted every minority to feel like a majority.
The mega healthy to be able to eat everything .
The dairy free to be able to get an unbuttered / no mayo sandwich.
The gluten free to have a wrap a soup and even a cake.
The vegetarians to not just be offered cheese options.
The vegans to get choices & cakes.
The weigh lifters wont have to spend time preparing their own eggs chicken and spinach.
The dieters to get their calorie controlled meals made for them.

Don't think I wasn't discouraged, how many times I heard ' really a healthy place in Newcastle? do you really think there is a market for this up here?' Well yes of course I do I know there are healthy eaters all over Newcastle, the job on my hands is to find them. If we cant find them we educate them. We help them. We mentor them and before you know it we will have a healthy Newcastle again. I am hopeful of this.

A little about me. I grew up in Africa & France and settled in Newcastle, where my father is from. Ive eaten foods from supermarkets, markets & my grandmothers own garden in the Pyrenees. Ive learned to cook from my parents & grandparents, then from my own experiments. A child of a catering family also does plenty of eating.... So as a teen & young adult I then had to go on to do plenty of diets & fads. I have been a veggy, a vegan, ive been dairy free, gluten free. All the free from episodes you can name. People assume 'must be hard you mustn't be able to eat anything'.... Its the complete opposite. When you remove sugar, salt, dairy, gluten from your diet you basically start to really learn to cook. You really cant walk into a supermarket anymore as those cheaper ingredients are in everything! Bulking out everything. It just opens your eyes to what you can eat. The multitude of ingredients out there. Its huge and it actually widens any choices you ever had before. So this is what I know about food and what I am passionate about. I hope you love my shop and visit us soon in the amazing Grainger Market. Healthy food, fast.